
Can I be alone? 
I just want to dissolve into nothing.
For everyone, 
To disappear. 
And leave me to finish 
Trying to understand 
Trying to put together, 
The fucked up jigsaw 
I’m drowning in. 
Where the pieces keep changing, 
Every time I put them down. 
The floor is lava, 
And I have no idea, and
No where, that I can climb to
To get a better vantage point,
Of all the madness. 
That I still think, somehow 
I can fix. I’m just not good enough 
If I can’t save them.
If I can’t be needed 
If I don’t belong anywhere. 
If I don’t matter.

I feel like I am at some f’d up
Supermarket with no basket, 
Scrambling to hold it all together
Clasped on my chest. 
Even though everything is already 
Smashed upon the ground. 
And my arms are empty. 


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