I Had The Strangest Dream Last Night...
yes....how many times has someone said that to you.blah...blah...blah...but I am indeed going to describe my dream anyway...so there...
well, mine from what I can remember began with me looking out of the window of the house where I grew up and seeing across the road the biggest raggiest black cat ever to exist...astonished, I take out my camera to catch it on film...but it jumps up, and saunters off round the back of a car.
I wait...poised..and slightly pissed off..just in case it decides to be less camera shy...
then all of a sudden it's on the window sill of my house, and somehow there's no glass in the windows...so it just sits right there in front of me.
then I realise it's tiny, and it isn't even a cat...it's a pangolin...yes,...that's right,a pangolin...perhaps you need a picture....
so...a little bit different than a big black furry cat...I then notice, I am in fact at the top of a mountain, and it's the middle of the night. I have a sudden sense of urgency, to get down to the sea which I can see in the distance beneath me...my new friend...let's call him pango...is apparently ment to be coming down this mountain with me- and I realise for the first time just how sharp and pointy his claws are. there doesn't appear to be any reason for me noticing his claws...I have a perplexed expression more akin to having just found yourself at the top of a mountain holding a pangolin when you thought you were at home in your living room..than one that suggests you think you are in danger from the pointy claws of said pangolin....anyway, I digress...
well, mine from what I can remember began with me looking out of the window of the house where I grew up and seeing across the road the biggest raggiest black cat ever to exist...astonished, I take out my camera to catch it on film...but it jumps up, and saunters off round the back of a car.
I wait...poised..and slightly pissed off..just in case it decides to be less camera shy...
then all of a sudden it's on the window sill of my house, and somehow there's no glass in the windows...so it just sits right there in front of me.
then I realise it's tiny, and it isn't even a cat...it's a pangolin...yes,...that's right,a pangolin...perhaps you need a picture....

...we make our way down...and down...and down some more, but never seem to really be getting any lower.Then...I realise I have a group of people behind me, and I am in fact guiding them over fences around a tower, so that we can continue to go down the mountain- this big tower and its fences are in our way...I reach the other side, and realise I am alone, no sign of anyone else...
next thing I'm awake....
yes, so....just how perculiar does this dream make me?
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